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Writer's pictureJessenia Nozzolillo

Jesus has returned, many times.

Jesus has returned, many times.

The truth is that Jesus has walked the Earth thousands of times. But, we never had the pleasure of listening to his story in the way we once did. Why?

They killed him when he shared his emotions as a man.

They killed her for healing the sick with plants.

They killed him when he prayed under a different roof to a god of the same origins that went by another name.

They killed her when she enjoyed the natural pleasure of love outside of wedlock.

They killed him when he was born deformed.

They killed her because she channeled the spirits of her deceased loved ones.

They killed him when he saw visions of his past selves.

They killed her when she didn’t obey.

They killed him when he stood up against injustice.

They killed her when she tried to teach others to self-heal.

They killed him when he stood up against the tyrant.

They killed her when she breathed life back into that which seemed dead.

They killed him for improperly charting the stars.

They killed her for her premonitions.

They killed him for questioning his superiors.

They killed her for knowing too much.

They killed him for claiming life was also physical evolution.

They killed her because she could read the sky.

They killed him for teaching science.

They killed her for dancing under the moon in her full glory. S

In the end, we need to ask ourselves. Where we taught to believe and have faith? Or have we been trained and manipulated to wipe out any version of spirit that has found its way to this land? Are we being manipulated to suppress our divinity? If you don’t know the answer, then ask yourself who was doing the killing.

Things will never be the same. We don’t live in the past anymore. It is time to embrace your spiritual gifts and reconnect to your creator's divinity in the purest form, through you, not through limiting beliefs constructed in fear. Fear is a weapon. It has nothing to do with our divinity or any god. But if we comply with the fears established for our limitations, we will continue the pattern of thus letting whatever is left of spirit on Earth die off for good. Killing Earth itself.

We meet Jesus again, when we stop killing and oppressing its incarnations. We meet again, when we return love to the spiritual and Earth. Release fear. Divinity belongs on Earth. That is the whole point of your existence here; to witness the divine merger.

Copyright protection Jessenia Nozzolillo 2020

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