“The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.”
How many times have you heard this? What’s it mean? A witch will put energy and intention into everything they do. If they are unaware of their gifts and abilities, the intention may be negative, but in cases of infatuation, it is usually positive.
So, as she creates and cooks, she will literally infuse that meal with love, lust, passion, and her desires. The person in question consumes those desires and then responds, now feeling connected to the person somehow. This is also true for other gift structures outside of witch gift structures. It is how we make healing remedies, foods, natural medicine, herbal teas, spells, and even Feng shui! We are simply connecting with the energy of the items and elements we are using. 
The issue with this is, if the relationship wasn’t meant to last, it won’t. If it was meant to last, it will, as long as both people involved are doing their job. When she is upset, mad, or angry with the person and again unaware of her gifts, she may also infuse that emotion into her creations and cooking. This is gender-neutral. You can switch the terms as needed. I was only using the example above because it’s such a common saying.
Most people wouldn’t intentionally hurt people they love just because they are temporarily mad. Again, it’s the lack of awareness that makes it dangerous.
Copyright protected Jessenia Nozzolillo 2021